Arm your Bicep with D(i)SC - how to make your life easier while building new environments
This little wordplay is about the Bicep a domain-specific language (DSL) and PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) for Windows. We will cover the basics of both concepts, we will mention the ARM templates and show some examples. The goal of this session is to present the tools to those who want an easier way to create their environment or labs.
What do I do? I select, I select stars!
Data enthusiast with a mathematics background. Working with SQL Server for over 15 years. Works as a Data Platform Architect at (Microsoft SQL Server). Microsoft Data Platform MVP and Microsoft Certified Trainer with a couple of certificates sharing knowledge. Blogger at (
Not long ago Poland Data Community member, now proud UK Data Platform active member and leader.
When not working or teaching, learns new things or attends various data/technical conferences and meetups.
Italian Calcio fan and traveller, amateur photographer catching anything that moves.
18u30 | Welcome and introductions |
18u30 | Arm your Bicep with D(i)SC – how to make your life easier while building new environments (75 minutes) |
19u45 | Session End |
Virtual Meeting (Teams Link)