Power BI - All Over The Place
03/01/2019 - Kohera
Veldkant 33A
03/01/2019 - Kohera
Veldkant 33A
This is not going to be an evening where we will talk about one single topic. This is going to be an evening where we will be talking about several topics. The only thing linking the different topics is Power BI. There will be two important topics that deserve more time than the others:
The rest of the time I will be showing cool things you can use to bring your Power BI reports to the next level. This is the part where I show things smarter people than me have figured out: this can some crazy script or a link to a website where you can find great stuff. It will go all over the place.
Ken Geeraerts has been working with SQL Server for more than 10 years. His role shifted from developer to business user and back to business intelligence consultant. This career path shows the interest for business and IT and makes it easy to understand why he loves the possibilities of Power BI.
During the last 5 years he has been working at Kohera as a Business Intelligence consultant. Next to his consulting work he presents webinars, gives sessions and teaches courses about Power BI and SQL BI.
18u00 | Welcome + Food & Drinks |
18u30 | Start session |
20u30 | Session Ends + Networking |
21u00 | Event Ends |
Veldkant 33A
2550 Kontich